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Federal Priorities

Local governments are responsible for supplying a safe, reliable and locally controlled water supply. Water and wastewater services—as well as the pumps, pipes and treatment facilities that support these services—are funded with fees paid by utility customers.

However, the cost of maintenance and operations, development of non-traditional water supplies, new capital improvement projects to meet growing demand as well as compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements, can easily exceed the potential revenue from rate payers.

Congress and the Administration can establish a national imperative for safe, reliable and locally controlled water supplies and align laws, regulation and funding to help states and local governments achieve that goal.

National Advocacy Program

The WateReuse Association engages members and leverages relationships with other stakeholders to build support for laws, policy, and funding to increase water reuse. Our national Legislative and Regulatory Policy Committee has established the following federal priority areas:

Water Reuse Infrastructure Funding

Reauthorize and secure increased funding for:

Smart Water Technology Integration Grants Program

Establish a smart water technology integration grants program

To learn about our ongoing education and advocacy in Washington, DC to support these priorities, visit Advocacy in Action.

Policy Principles and Positions

The WateReuse Association’s advocacy program is built on foundation of policy principles and positions that advance safe and sustainable water supplies and promote the adoption of water recycling as a key component of water resource management.

Policy Principles

Adopted policy principles include:

Policy Positions

Adopted policy positions include:

Policy One-Pagers

Get quick summaries of policy positions to advance water reuse (published 9/12/2023):

Water Sector Collaboration

The WateReuse Association also partners with other national water associations in establishing joint legislative policy priorities and co-hosting an annual Water Week and Policy Fly-In.

Join WateReuse

WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

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